CIP LUBE is a sanitary lubricant used primarily in the Food and Dairy Industry. This product was developed as a
lubricant for " Cleaned In Place " usage, which can be removed without dismantling the tubing, valves, gaskets,
and seals. CIP LUBE can be cleaned with a mild detergent and a strong force of hot water, leaving the parts clean
and sterile.
CAUTION - Anyone who has been satisfied with the product "Petrol-Gel" we advise them not to change. Why? The
CIP LUBE does not have the component parts which causes it to stick and not to wash off which has made
"Petrol-Gel" so popular for the past 40 years.
Packaged And Distributed By
McGlaughlin Oil Company
3750 E. Livingston Ave.
Columbus, OH 43227
Phone 800-839-6589